Hi everyone, how are you?
I just went through my posts and see that the last “Life Update” I did was in May. Yor, that’s a long time ago.
Somehow, I misplaced the book in which I wrote my goals for 2018. Two of the things I said I want to focus on (I forgot number three) are collaborations and networking. I’m still working on it.
Here’s what I’ll share in this post:
Lessons learned
Blog things
Lessons learned
Lesson #1. Since I’m freelancing, I’ve learned in business that you’ll understand what it’s like to be an entrepreneur once you are an entrepreneur. It’s like entrepreneur Vusi Thembekwayo says “entrepreneurship is like learning to swim. You can study it in books but if you’re not doing the practical, it doesn’t mean that you can actually swim.”
#2. I’m also figuring out that as a newbie entrepreneur, making mistakes sucks! But you have to experience failure in order to get lessons out of it. My friend, Yvette Hess said it best: “An experience is never a loss.” Amen to that.
#3. Another thing I’ve learned is that I still have my pride. Eisj, this one! I got people telling me “let me know if you need help” and besides pride, I’m thinking “I’ll rather ask you if it’s worse case scenario”.
#4. Which brings me to another lesson: determine the difference between a want and a need. (This one is hard to do but it’s good if you can weigh your options between what’s more important.)
Blog things
I’m really looking forward to doing more blog collaborations. For example, I’m planning to interview a few women on their journeys to drastic changes in their lives. I’m also planning to do more brand/ blogger collaborations.
I’ve been featured in Nadia’s blog as a mompreneur (aka freelance writer). You can check out that post here.
If you are on Instagram, I’ve been doing a lot of Instagram Stories and I’m enjoying it a lot. Sometimes I don’t really know what to post and then there are days where I post a lot of random things (binge post on Insta-Stories). Instagram is my fun space at the moment.
One moment we were in our routine of going to bed between 19:30 and 20:30 and the next all of that went out the door! After Princess started school end of July, she started having naps during the day. This led to us struggling to get her in bed at night. At the end of the night, I’m so tired, I fall asleep with her (sometimes without her) and I wake up early in the morning to do work stuff.
Princess’ favourite activities at the moment are having Daddy swing her (with his hands) and me doing ring-a-ring-a-rosie with her. Her vocabulary has expanded a little bit: she can tell you she’s busy charging her (toy) phone, she uses the phrases “Oh my gosh” or “Oh my word” (probably learned by me), and she likes saying “it’s not funny” too. The last phrase, I think, she learned from the cartoon show Peppa Pig.
She might look like me but she’s got her dad’s extrovert personality. She enjoys going out – earlier today (on Saturday morning), she was looking for the car keys to go for a drive. Her tantrums didn’t stop until her dad took her out for a drive.
How have you been? What would you like to read more about on this blog?
The juggle is real, as they always say. Keep the updates, it’s lovely to hear what’s going on with you. I must say, I love the new look of the blog, well done!