Q&A: Reasons why I’m a writer and what am I writing about

Q&A: Reasons why I’m a writer and what am I writing about

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
The Blog Tag network on Facebook has a “Writing” theme this week. I thought, because I am a writer by profession (and it’s my passion), I’ll let you in on a few things about myself.

I would like to add that today I wrote about an interview I did with an interracial couple. Also, I am busy researching content marketing strategy, because I am preparing for an interview with an entrepreneur.

The Blog Tag asked some questions relating to their Writing theme and I answered. Check it out:

TBT: What is the first thing you remember writing?
MJ: I was probably 14 or 15 years old when I attended a writing workshop. My first story was a soapie type story that involved a girl looking for her father, her being in a relationship with a gangster who wanted her father dead. There was a love triangle in this story too.

At the time I watched a lot of soapies like “Days of Our Lives”.

TBT: What do you enjoy writing most?
MJ: I enjoy how the characters of a fictional story evolve, their growth and changes of scenes. In reality, I enjoy writing success stories of people, e.g. like small businesses doing well, or someone achieving something and getting an award or acknowledgement for it.

TBT: What is your favorite thing about writing?
MJ: It’s the before-part. Going out on a story and doing research or an interview. It’s also nice after I am done with a story, and I can get it published. Seeing my name in print is cool.

TBT: Who or what inspired you to start writing?
MJ: I enjoyed writing books as a child. My mother encouraged me to try out a journalism course.

TBT: Favorite piece of writing that you wrote?
MJ: There are so many – besides writing news stories as a journalist, I have written and published fiction short stories. I think I enjoyed the fiction stories, because I got to be creative and had fun as the characters developed themselves.

TBT: How often do you write?
MJ: Every single day for work. Personally, not much – which is bad, because I want to publish a book.

TBT: Do you want to get published?
MJ: Yes.

TBT: What are your writing goals?
MJ: This information I keep close to my heart.

TBT: What do you do when you experience writers block?
MJ: I just start writing down what I already have. Eventually I get in the groove.

TBT: Who is your favorite writer(s)?
MJ: Karen Kingsbury, Jodi Picoult, and blogger Melyssa Griffin.

TBT: If you had to go by a pen name what would it be and why?
MJ: I can’t reveal this, because someone might steal my pen name 🙂

TBT: Have you ever entered any writing contests?
MJ: No, but I have entered my fiction stories into magazines and a newspaper. Many people do that and only some are selected.

TBT: Have you had any formal training as a writer?
MJ: Yes, I have a national degree in journalism.

TBT: What is your favourite piece of writing?
MJ: Errrr. I don’t know what you mean with that question.

TBT: Do you have any tips for other writers?
MJ: Just start with it – just write. You’ll get better the more you do it. Plus read a lot.
Also, make use of the journalism’s 5W’s and H: who, what, where, why, when, and how.

Quick Fire:
Pen & Paper or Laptop — both

Pen name or Real Name — real name

Quiet Place to write or busy place with music — it does not matter. I can lose myself when I am writing.

Fiction or Non Fiction — both
Poetry or Stories — definitely stories

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