I have to confess: I have never eaten any cuisines sold by a food truck. It’s on my bucket list though.
The closest thing to a food truck for me is the ice cream trucks. I hear the ice cream truck’s song in my head now.
Recently, while taking part in the #rsabizblogs blogging challenge by Sam Posselt of the SA Biz Chat tribe, I met Julie George who is a food truck owner. Whoop whoop!
Other delicacies include doughnuts and carrot cakes. Julie says she also does catering.
Here’s 10 things you should know about this food truck owner:
1. She’s from Johannesburg originally. “I now live in Central in the Heritage district,” she says. “I love it!”
2. This is her third career in her life. “I started out as a Graphic Designer, did that for about eight years. Then I went into kitchen and bathroom design and did that for 15 years. Two years ago I went into the food and hospitality business. However, I have been doing specialty cakes for the past eight years.”

3. Where did her entrepreneurship journey start? “Well it’s hard to pin point as I have had a couple of businesses in my younger years, so I’ve always been an entrepreneur at heart. Gourmet Girl was started in September 2015.”
4. How did she get hold of the food truck? “I bought the tuk tuk from Klinicare – it was their delivery vehicle. I then had a friend of mine convert it and paint it.”
5. Tell us about maintaining your tuk tuk. “Maintenance is a bit tricky in Port Elizabeth, as there is now only one place that does it. I am fortunate enough to have a friend who is very savvy and has been doing all the necessary maintenance for me.”
6. Does she clean the truck herself? ” Hahaha no! I go to the car wash and have had a young chap looking for work, clean it for me. I do however clean the serving areas myself every time I use it.”
7. The best part of her job is the people she works with, especially the customers. “I love the festive atmosphere at events and always have a good time.”
8. Her small achievements this year? “Well I’ve had some big (to me anyway) achievements this year, mainly getting my blog up and running. Winning the #rsabizblogs challenge was a huge achievement for me, and just learning as I go along in this business is an achievement.”

9. Lessons entrepreneurship has taught her: Never give up. “I’ve learned it’s not all glamour, but extremely hard work. The most important thing I’ve learned is how rewarding it is [to be an entrepreneur].”
10. She joined the SA Biz Chat tribe and says it’s beneficial to belong to a network. “Since coming into the blogging tribe, I am blown away by the camaraderie and friendliness shown by all and the willingness to help one another. I am very blessed to be a part of it.”
Thank you Julie for giving us the opportunity to get to know you. All the best with your journey ahead!
Connect with Julie AKA Gourmet Girl PE on Facebook or Twitter.
Ah a fabulous article thank you so much!!!! And all the best to you on your blogging journey.
Nice Melissa Javan. So keep us posted as to when you sample something from a food truck 😉
Thank you 🙂
I will definitely – there is a food trucks venue here in Sandton I must go to 🙂
I love food trucks and festivals where they will be. I love the food, the design. Everything. Now it is my aim to share the food truck eating fun with you x